Emergency Procedures

Stillbuilt Solutions Emergency Procedures 

To ensure the safety of all Stillbuilt Solutions workers (employees and contractors) while performing HVAC services.

1. Identifying Safe Exit Routes

  • Before Beginning Work:

    • Workers must conduct a walkthrough of the job site to identify all potential exit routes.

    • Ensure that all identified exit routes are accessible and free from obstructions.

    • Discuss the identified exit routes with any other team members present.

2. Working Alone

  • Emergency Contact Plan:

    • Workers who are working alone must have a clear plan to contact help in the event of an emergency.

    • Prior to starting work, inform a supervisor or designated contact person of your location and expected duration of the job.

    • Keep a charged mobile phone on your person at all times during the job.

    • Pre-program emergency contact numbers into your phone, including 911, your supervisor, and a colleague who is aware of your work schedule.

In Case of an Emergency:

  1. Assess the Situation:

    • Remain calm and quickly assess the nature of the emergency (e.g., fire, gas leak, medical emergency).

  2. Evacuate:

    • Use the nearest identified safe exit route to leave the premises immediately.

    • Do not use elevators in case of fire or other situations where they may be compromised.

  3. Contact Help:

    • If working alone and able to safely do so, contact emergency services (911) immediately.

    • Once safe, inform your supervisor or designated contact person of the situation and your status.

  4. Administer First Aid:

    • If you or someone else is injured and it is safe to do so, administer first aid while waiting for emergency responders.

  5. Report the Incident:

    • After the situation has been resolved, report the incident to your supervisor and complete any required incident reports.

By adhering to these emergency procedures, Stillbuilt Solutions ensures that workers & contractors are prepared to respond quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency while performing residential HVAC services.